How to use pinterest for business


Learn how to use Pinterest for business - Pinterest marketing course

Pinterest is the fastest growing social media marketing platform for business and marketing.  One of the main reasons for using Pinterest for business is its big user base (about 442 million) that helps in the generation of leads and sales. Pinterest is such a business platform where small businesses can compete for head to head with some of the biggest companies in the world. Pinterest makes it easy for anyone to implement their marketing imagination.

But to get the best results, everyone must know how to use Pinterest for business and how to use Pinterest for marketing. To know how to use Pinterest for business and how to do marketing on Pinterest read this article till the end.

How to use pinterest for business
Learn how to use Pinterest for business

5 Things you must consider for using Pinterest for business effectively

You must agree that beautiful images are one of the keys to success on Pinterest. Here are 5 things you should consider when creating Pinnable images for your business.

  • Make sure your Website is “Pinterest ready”.  I often find a website that I want to Pin images from and when I use the PinIt button… nothing.  In fact, a message pops up that says “Sorry, no pinnable images or videos on this page”… Really????  No images that can be Pinned?  What a missed opportunity!  Here I am, someone who wants to promote a business because I like their product or service and I can’t!   Take a bit of time and create some images on your website that are Pinnable.  As Pinterest continues to grow, more and more of your customers are going to want to promote you!  Try to keep your Pinnable images as close to 550 px as possible.
  • Create powerful images that will draw customers in and you will find your percentage of click-throughs to your website will increase exponentially.  Powerful images equate to an increase in traffic to your website, and the more traffic, the more customers.
  • When creating Pinnable images, it is important to crop your images to highlight your product or service.  When you crop an image make sure you don't lose the main subject of the image.  By cropping out any “busy” background your visitor can focus on the main subject matter and will know, at a glance, what it is you are promoting.  Remember, you are telling a story through your boards and your Pins make up that story.
  • Change the file names of your images.  IMG20123125.jpg is a bad file name.  To correct this, change the file name to something relevant to the image.  This simply makes your images easily identifiable.  You will find that collecting and sharing many images can get a bit frustrating if your images are all numbered.
  • Curate your own content.  You can do this by watermarking your image or by adding your business name or URL.  Keep in mind that ‘descriptions’ on a Pin can be changed by anyone, but adding branding to your image will stay intact.  The Fitness niche is creating excellent original content by branding powerful and memorable images.  Recently, I came across a Pin that was almost two years old.  There was no branding on the Pin and the description had (most likely) been changed many times over.  By not branding this Pin was, again, a missed opportunity for the business.  Pins have a very long shelf-life on Pinterest.  Pin with intent and Pin with added value to your Pinners and you will build credibility and gain loyal customers and many, many Pinners.
  • Pinterest is well-indexed by search engines so make sure you add at least one keyword in the description area.  Do this by using the # followed by a broad keyword.  This will give a strong boost to your SEO.
  • With about 442 million subscribers, Pinterest can generate hundreds, even thousands of unsolicited referrals for your business.  People Pin because they truly like your product, or your service helped them, solved a problem, or what you offer is something that they dream about.  Embrace this exciting and visually beautiful Social Media Marketing platform by creating images and content that tell the best story of your business.

Create a Perfect Pinning Strategy for your Pinterest Business

Things to Consider when Creating a Pinning Strategy

  • Upload your own images as often as possible.  You don’t need to do it on all Pins but do brand some of the image content that you Pin on Pinterest.  By doing this, it won’t matter if descriptions are changed as they make their way around Pinterest as your URL will be on the image.  This image which was posted by My Blessed Life is an excellent example of branding images.
  • Create an image file name that includes your targeted keyword.  By default an image file is nondescript and changing the name will help your SEO.
  • Liking and commenting will play a strong role in your overall strategy.   Finding Pins that are related to your product and commenting on those Pins will get your name/brand more recognition.  Remember, your profile image will show every time you post a comment to a Pin.
  • Find key people within your industry to follow.
  • Ask key people to follow you!
  • Keep your Pin descriptions short and to the point.  Use the (#) hashtag to add keywords and use the ($) dollar sign and Price to add the price banner.   The # will enable users in the Pinterest community to find your product and using the $ followed by the price will allow your product to be listed in the “Gifts” area which is sorted by price.


Pinterest, one of the biggest source of organic traffic

With about 442 million subscribers, Pinterest can generate hundreds, even thousands of unsolicited referrals for your business.  People Pin because they truly like your product, or your service helped them, solved a problem, or what you offer is something that they dream about.  Embrace this exciting and visually beautiful Social Media Marketing platform by creating images and content that tell the best story of your business.

Remember, Pinterest is based on consumer collecting, storing, and sharing through images.  People want to know what you offer and who you are.  Tell your company story through compelling pins and Pinterest boards that will build a strong Pinterest community that will send you amazing amounts of traffic and generates sales.

Consumers are looking to learn more 'behind the scenes' of businesses that they are purchasing from online.  By creating Pinterest boards that share this type of visual information about your company will let your customers that you are committed to providing excellent customer service and the type of quality products that they will be happy to use and recommend.


Importance of comments for successful Pinterest Business

Pinterest has a great search feature that anyone can find what they are looking for very quickly.  Besides, business owners or marketers can read comments from people and know what the consumers are looking for!

Comments on Pinterest if done properly can help your business get more customers.  To begin with, you need to look at your existing pins to find out what people are saying about your product.  These are the focus groups for your business.  You will learn valuable information about your customer service, the product itself, and learn how people are using your products.  Where else can you find out this information (for free) and so quickly?

The bottom line ~ don't just Pin without taking some time to learn how your product is being received and use the knowledge to constantly improve your Pinterest community.


A few reasons why you can’t afford to ignore Pinterest

If you have been on the fence about Pinterest, here are 5 reasons to take the plunge:

  • Nearly 12 million monthly visitors.
  • Pinterest grew to 12 million users faster than any other website.  Remember, Pinterest is only two years old!  Get in now and position yourself as a leader in your market.
  • Pinterest has millions of Facebook-connected users.  You can now have a Pinterest Button on your Facebook so your friends can see your boards!
  • Over 80% of Pins are RePins!  This means your efforts are multiplied…and multiplied….and multiplied……
  • Pinterest is a free platform and your Pins have a very long shelf life!  Unlike Facebook which moves quickly, every time your Pins are RePinned your website name (URL) moves with the Pin. And this, my friends, from a marketing standpoint is really incredible.


These are a few basic things that you should know about how to use Pinterest for business. But to master Pinterest business and make more money online you must know the secrets and advanced tricks that you should implement in your Pinterest business account.

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A few words about “Pinterest Traffic Breakthrough MasterClass”

Who should join the “Pinterest Traffic BreakthroughMasterClass”?

Business owners, entrepreneurs, affiliates, marketers, eCommerce store owners, bloggers, email marketers, CPA marketers, coaches, consultants, and anyone willing to know the secrets of getting 1000’s online buyers traffic and that too within a short period of time must join this MasterClass.

This MasterClass has been designed by the world’s top Pinterest business and traffic experts.


What is Pinterest business traffic breakthrough MasterClass?

It’s an Audio, Video, and PDF learning series that lets you know the secrets of generating 1000’s of FREE buyers traffic for your business. The world’s top experts in Pinterest marketing and traffic generations reveals the secrets and Pinterest best practices for generating more sales and make money online fast.


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This course uses a unique process of creating online events that resemble college-level courses delivered by the world's leading expert speakers on Pinterest business, Pinterest marketing, and traffic generation. This  MasterClass delivers a complete educational experience.

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