5 Steps Towards A Successful Small Business Digital Marketing Journey


Know these initial 5 steps to grow your small business over the digital platform 

The internet is filled with a lot of high-earning small business ideas and opportunities. Starting a small business and having a successful small business digital marketing journey you have to consider various things before you start.

5 Steps Towards A Successful Small Business Digital Marketing Journey

There are several steps you need to consider before you start your small business. But if you initially take care of the following 5 steps you will witness your small business taking momentum on the digital platform and you will be able to generate more sales from your small business digital marketing initiative, and that too within a small period of time.

Step 1- Deciding what to sell

There are millions of products and services available that you can sell over the internet. But remember, neither it is possible to sell everything nor it is possible to sell to everyone.  So while choosing the product or service that you want to sell, your first step should be to make sure that there is a demand for the product or service in the market for what you are selling.

Write down several topics on which you have interest or knowledge.

  • Do a trend analysis to checking whether your product or service has enough demand in the market. Use trends.google.com to do the trend analysis.
  • Before you start selling or promoting your products over the internet like websites or social media, you should make thorough keyword research so that your product or content or presentations get noticed. If you are a beginner, it is always recommended to search for long-tailed low competition keywords.
  • Make your content (written or visual) easy to understand by the common man. It is always recommended to focus on the points reading which your readers will turn into buyers.
  • Next, search your favorite search engine. (Put your search term in quotes). This will tell you how many optimized results there are.
  • The more times your keyword term is searched for, and the fewer results are available for your term, the more valuable your search term is.


Implementing the above-mentioned strategies you will come to know how competitive your market is. What you learn should also help you decide if the market you have chosen is right for you. Don't worry if there's some competition. It's more important to sell something you are interested in than to sell things you don't care about.

Once you decide your topic, decide whether you want to sell your own products or someone else's. This will help you decide what kind of website you need to build.


Step 2- Decide what type of site you will use for your small business digital marketing purpose

The main thing that scares people the most is building a website. However, there are so many different ways to build a website now and you really don't need to have any technical expertise or hire any website builder for creating your small business website.

If you are selling affiliate or someone else’s products, you are better off building a content-rich website. The same goes for services as well. If you are selling your own products, you may want to consider a simple sales letter.

Whatever you decide, the first and most important consideration you should have is to build a list. Most people don't buy the first time. If you want to get the most from your traffic, the way to do it is to build a relationship with your visitors. Offer them information. If you do this, you are more likely to make the sale through repeated contact. You can improve your conversion this way.


Step 3- Write your marketing plan

Once you've built a website, it's time to start marketing. How you market depends on several factors like your writing ability, whether or not you want to do a lot of writing or content creation, your marketing budget, and your own personality.

You can choose a content versus a non-content strategy. This includes article writing, search engine optimization, press releases, ads, videos, podcasting, linking, or any other way you decide to deliver your message.

The most important thing to do here is to choose one or two different marketing techniques and try them. Test and track your efforts. See what works the best for you. If you don't find a technique to be effective, then either tweak your efforts or try something new.


Step 4- Write everything about what you want to sell

When you write your sales materials, you should create a text file with all of the information you need. This should include things like your email address, descriptions, links, and anything else you will need to post. Then you can copy and paste the information. This will speed up your submissions.

For example, if you are posting classifieds, don’t forget to include most of the information free classifieds ask for. Then, when you're ready to post, you simply copy and paste your data into the appropriate spaces.

Keeping a bookmark file of sites you want to post to, will also help you speed up the process because you can simply go from site to site or post to multiple sites using more than one browser window.


Step 5- Choose the right sites and social media handles where you will market

The real secret to effective small business digital marketing, besides writing an effective sales message, is to go where your customers are.

For example, if you are selling ebooks about fitness, then go to sites or social media handles where you can post about fitness. Posting on sites or social media handles that are not related to your topic is a simple waste of time and energy because you will not be able to connect with your audience, and you will not be able to generate sales.

By considering the above-mentioned five points you can expect positive outcomes from your small business digital marketing journey. But this is not all. In my next article, I am going to discuss using Free resources vs Paid resources in small business digital marketing. For now, I simply recommend not to use high-priced resources if you are a beginner. Another most important thing that you must keep in your mind – NEVER LEAVE TOO EARLY. Success in the field of small business is not a matter of a day or two. It takes time. If you are a small business owner or small entrepreneur and if you are focused and putting the right effort success is for sure provided you have patience.

Feel free to ask questions or give your valuable suggestions.

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Also Read about other interesting money-making and marketing tools:

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